Buchbesprechung „The Dark and the Light“ an der University of Arizona/USA

„The Dark and the Light“, NorthSouth Books , New York – die englische Ausgabe meines Bilderbuches „Das Dunkle und das Helle“, illustriert von Julie Völk – wurde im Journal ‚WOW Review‘ des ‚Center for Global Literacies and Literatures‘ (University of Arizona) bereits 2020 besprochen.
Die Rezension habe ich erst neulich entdeckt. Äußerst spannend, wie das Buch in den USA verstanden wird.

Die vollständige Buchbesprechung als PDF

„[…] While this story plot seems quite simple at first, the language and illustrations convey insights into what it means to cross borders and to adapt to another country or space that is unfamiliar.“

„[…] This story has many themes, one being friendship with someone who looks different. It also communicates a theme of hope in adjusting to new ways of living. As the two friends adjust to the other’s land, their coats adjust. Bright spots of light appear on Shaggy’s dark coat as he becomes more comfortable in the new sun-drenched land. The same happens to Sparkle as she learns to live in the dark. The friends acknowledge that borderland living can have a positive outcome as “the darkness can never leave the coat completely. But a spotted coat is very beautiful.” Their friendship in the borderland leads them to agree that there is “nothing better in the whole world than to have a friend who [understands] the need for a parasol and a flashlight.” The story acts as a metaphor for the changes that occur as one adjusts to new spaces.“

Quelle Beitragsbild/Screenshot und Text: Corapi, Susan. (2020). Book Review: The Dark and the Light, Kerstin Hau. WOW Review.