Oh, wie fein! In den USA wird „The Dark and the Light“ auf https://omnilibros.com/2019/07/10/the-dark-and-the-light/ gelistet.
How are books selected?
We seek books that…
- introduce American readers to outstanding authors and illustrators from other countries.
- are accessible to American readers.
- have received international awards.
- possess literary and artistic merit.
- contain thought-provoking content that invites reflection and response, invokes curiosity, and inspires creative imagination.
- present world people and cultures in a manner that is worthy and up-to-date.
OmniLibros is an annotated bibliography to help teachers, librarians, reading resource staff, and parents select and use recently (since 2010) published English-language tradebooks that promote understanding across global cultures. For young readers looking for good international reads, it may spark an exploration of new worlds.
Quelle: https://omnilibros.com
Betrieben wird OmniLibros vom Carthage College Center for Children’s Literature.